
DC Resistance Unbalance Within a Pair

DC resistance unbalance within a pair is a measure how much the DC resistance of one wire differs from the resistance of the other wire within the same pair which is important to know when using Power over Ethernet. Read on to find out more about it.


DC resistance unbalance within a pair shows how much the resistance of one wire differs from the resistance of the other wire in a pair. Other terms for DC resistance unbalance within a pair are Pair Unbalance or Pair Ubl.


DC resistance unbalance within a pair should be as small as possible.

DC Resistance Unbalance Within a Pair


The term “DC resistance unbalance” is not only used for the resistance difference within a pair but also between pairs. Because of this it should always be made clear whether the DC resistance unbalance within a pair or between pairs is meant.


When devices are powered via the data cable it is done using direct current (DC). If the resistance of one wire differs from the resistance of the other wire within the same pair, it can lead to an uneven load which in turn can lead to an oversaturation of the transmitter’s transformer and thus to lower power transmission. An oversaturation of the receiver’s transformer can cause signal distortion and thus to data transmission problems.


Trouble-shooting tips if DC resistance unbalance within a pair tests fail

Typical cause of the problemThis might help (without engagement)
Contacts in patch panel. outlet or plug are dirtyClean contacts
Contacts in patch panel. outlet or plug are wornReplace patch panel/outlet/plug
Contacts in patch panel. outlet or plug are corrodedReplace patch panel/outlet/plug
Wires in patch panel, outlet or plug are connected badlyReconnect the wires
Wires in patch panel, outlet or plug have become looseReconnect the wires
Contacts of the test cord are dirtyClean contacts
Contacts of the test cord are wornReplace plug/test cord
Contacts of the test cord are corodedReplace plug/test cord
Patch cord defectiveReplace patch cord
Cable defective (material defect)Replace cable

Typical causes of DC resistance unbalance within a pair problems and what might help to solve them.


Dirk Träger

Dirk Traeger

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