
Our quality and environmental management


As a technologically leading and innovation-driven company, Telegärtner Karl Gärtner GmbH develops and manufactures products which are used all over the world in many different industries and set new standards there. In order to also maintain its pioneering role in future, the company is primarily focusing on compliance with high quality standards and consistent environmental protection. Safety and the avoidance of hazards to people and the environment in all activities is our top priority.

Our employees clearly demonstrate that topics relating to quality and the environment are more than just vague theory at Telegärtner. They believe that their task is not just to continuously improve quality and environmental performance in economic terms, but more as an obligation which they are willing to fulfil – both at our head office and in our subsidiaries. Telegärtner Karl Gärtner GmbH has therefore consciously decided to place core technologies in specialised subsidiaries which manufacture components, sub-assemblies or end products.

Quality policy

Quality is our obligation

In order to both satisfy and exceed our customers' expectations, and therefore comply with all legal and other requirements, quality awareness at Telegärtner Karl Gärtner GmbH starts at the management level and includes all employees.


Customer satisfaction is our goal

In order to satisfy the high expectations for our products, our quality management system is subjected to continuous and active improvement. This enables us to increase our value-added while also offering our customers high-quality products.


Improvement is our objective

In order to promote and increase quality awareness among our employees, we organise our work processes as clearly as possible based on the principle of "Preventing defects is better than remedying them". Our quality management system follows a zero defect strategy and ensures that work processes are improved continuously.



Partnership is our promise

Long-term collaborative relationships: this is what we offer our suppliers and what we expect from them. In order to ensure reproducible product quality, our suppliers must satisfy the same quality standards as we do.


Environmental Policy

Environmental protection is our commitment

For Telegärtner Karl Gärtner GmbH, protecting the environment is more than a simple entrepreneurial task. Rather, it is an obligation towards our customers, our fellow human beings and future generations. For this reason, environmental protection is an important corporate goal for us.


The environmental management system is our tool

Thanks to the active cooperation of our employees and through our environmental management system in which current changes, expectations and needs in our company environment are considered, we actively help to conserve resources and minimise environmental pollution. In addition, a focus group has been formed to further develop and advance the approaches for continuous improvement of the environmental management system in regular meetings.
We comply with all legal regulations relating to our company and use the best available and economically feasible technologies. Sustainable resource consumption is supported through the implementation of regular energy audits according to DIN EN 16247-1. Energy consumption is also reviewed continuously in our analysis of environmental aspects and is kept at a low level. We regard digitalisation as an opportunity to make our processes more sustainable, more resource-friendly and more efficient.



Environmental awareness is our objective

From the purchase of our raw materials and consumables, and development, design and production through to packing and delivery of our products, we always follow ecological criteria and ensure that environmentally-friendly and recyclable materials are used. We favour suppliers who also attach great importance to environmental protection. Since 2010, we have also been generating some of our energy needs at our headquarters by means of a photovoltaic system and also, since the completion of the extension work in 2016, through a combined heat and power plant. Telegärtner Karl Gärtner GmbH is therefore actively contributing towards environmentally-friendly and resource-conserving production.

We are committed to the Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030

In 2015, the United Nations established the Agenda 2030 with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. These represent a roadmap for sustainable development on an economic, social and ecological level. The path to global sustainability is not only the task of politics, but also of society and the economy. We also contribute to compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals and aim to contribute to sustainable development. The focus of the activities at Telegärtner is goal number 13 - measures for climate protection. Of course, all 17 sustainability goals are relevant, but there are certain goal synergies in the electrical and digital industry that can be used. For this reason, the ZVEI recommends prioritising the sustainability goals, which Telegärtner follows and has already implemented. Telegärtner is already making a significant contribution to achieving the goals of no poverty, health and well-being, gender equality, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure, and sustainable consumption and productio.

In addition, we are committed to the 1.5º target of the Paris Climate Change Agreement of the 2015 conference.

Our contribution for sustainable management

Reducing waste

To avoid waste, we use the Karopack system. For this purpose, old cardboard packaging is shredded at local suppliers and (re)used as recycled - plastic-free - filling material in our shipping.

Recycling rate of 90%

Telegärtner successfully implements activities to minimise the consumption of resources and optimise recycling management. We separate all waste in production and administration strictly according to specifications. The disposal and recycling of our consumables is carried out exclusively by a certified and leading recycling service provider.


We also want to act in an environmentally responsible way in our canteen. In addition to recyclable packaging (FSC certified), we source our meals from regional suppliers and use regional and seasonal products.

100% green electricity

We have been purchasing electricity exclusively from ecological energy since 2022.


For more environmentally friendly mobility, Telegärtner is currently converting its entire car pool to hybrid or fully electronic vehicles. In addition, Telegärtner offers the option of a "job bike".

Climate neutrality

We participate in the GLS KlimaProtect programme with one of our shipping companies and handle part of our shipping climate-neutrally. We have only been using climate-neutral nitrogen for production (for our wave soldering system) since 2021.

Photovoltaic system

Telegärtner generates electricity own photovoltaic system for its own use. In addition, further expansion of the PV system is planned in order to fully cover the electricity consumption of the hybrid or fully electronic vehicle fleet.

Energy efficiency

LED lighting was predominantly used in production and administration to reduce energy consumption. The complete conversion of the lighting is being planned in order to further minimise electricity consumption and the associated greenhouse gas emissions.

Awareness building

We want to make an active contribution to climate protection, which is why environmental aspects are identified and evaluated in all areas/departments.

CO2 balance of Telegärtner

Our primary environmental goals until 2030

We take our commitment to improve the environmental protection very seriously and want to make a sustainable contribution reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


We calculate our Corporate Carbon Footprint in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) and reduce our GHG emissions for Scope 1 and Scope 2 by 50% until 2030, starting from the base year 2019. Furthermore, we aim to reduce GHG emissions in Scope 3 by 15% until 2030, relative to the base year 2019.

The base year 2019 is made up of the GHG emissions recorded in accordance with the GHG Protocol at the Steinenbronn site, supplemented by an extrapolation for the Höckendorf site. With the merger of Telegärtner Gerätebau GmbH into Telegärtner Karl Gärtner GmbH, the Höckendorf site was fully included in the GHG balance from 2023. 


Things to know:

In order to distinguish between direct and indirect emission sources and to improve transparency, the GHG Protocol defines three scopes (sections) for reporting.


Scope 1 includes direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by the company itself, for example through its own production or its own car pool.


Scope 2 includes indirect GHG emission which result by example through the purchase of electricity.


In Scope 3 are captured further indirect GHG emissions resulting from other business activities, e.g. CO2 emissions which were generated by suppliers.


Disposal and recycling

Separated recycling of "old devices"

Electric and electronic devices that have become waste are called old devices. Owners of such old devices have to bring these to recycling facilities, where these are handled and recorded separately from urban solid waste. Old devices must not end up in the household refuse. In fact they have to be collected in special collecting and recycling systems.


Possibility for disposal of "old devices"

Owners of old devices from private households can dispose these at the public waste disposal authorities or bring them to producer or seller related disposal locations. You can find these disposal locations online.


If possible, electric and electronic equipment has to be disposed separately from built-in batteries and / or accumulators.


Notice according to § 15 (1) VerpackG:


The return and recycling of used packaging protects the environment and resources. Our company, Telegärtner Karl Gärtner GmbH, is registered under the registration number DE5755825654462 with the Stiftung Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister and fulfills all obligations under the German Packaging Act (VerpackG).

Insofar as our company puts into circulation sales and outer packaging that is subject to system participation and typically accumulates at private end consumers, we participate in a system to ensure nationwide take-back. Private end consumers as defined by the German Packaging Act include not only households but also most commercial enterprises and public institutions. The packaging that typically accumulates there must regularly be handed over to the collection companies used by the system operators in yellow bags or garbage cans or to the municipal waste paper collections.


To the extent that the system participation obligation does not apply, we offer end consumers, in fulfillment of our legal obligations, to take back used and emptied packaging from our product range free of charge. This applies to

1. transport packaging,

2. sales packaging and outer packaging that does not typically accumulate as waste at private end consumers after use,

3. reusable packaging.


The free return of all used packaging mentioned from 1. to 3. is possible here (Telegärtner Karl Gärtner GmbH, Lerchenstraße 35, 71144 Steinenbronn). In addition, we offer the collection of our transport packaging as an alternative, subject to compliance with collection criteria.

For the collection of our transport packaging, please contact our environmental service provider Interzero (take-back and disposal: https://www.interzero.de/en/services/licensing/transport-packaging/).

Old devices often contain private data, especially appliances from data processing and communication equipment, as smartphones or hard discs. In your own interest, please arrange to eliminate all personal and private data from your disposed equipment.


As a producer in terms of the German ElektroG we are registered with the German registration authority Stiftung Elektro-Altgeräte-Register (Benno-Strauß-Str. 1, 90763 Fürth), having been granted the following WEEE registration number:


WEEE-Reg.-No. DE 76541091

LUCID Reg.-No DE5755825654462

Meaning of the symbol "crossed out waste container"

The labelled symbol showing the "crossed out waste container“ on electric and electronic equipment indicates that the concerning equipment has to be disposed separately from urban solid waste.

Our OHS Policy

Occupational safety and health protection are our commitment

Safety and the prevention of hazards to people and the environment in all our activities is our top priority. Our aim is to ensure an accident-free and safe environment for our employees, customers, suppliers, visitors and fitters, to protect them from possible risks and dangers and to create awareness so that everyone acts responsibly for themselves and others. Our goal is for all employees to start work feeling safe and for everyone to return home safely every day.


To this end, we commit ourselves to the following:

  • Compliance with all legal provisions to ensure and promote occupational safety and health protection are a matter of course for us. These are ensured in regular inspections by external experts, ASA meeting and an established idea management.
  • The systematic identification, recording and reduction of possible hazards as well as the identification and implementation of possible improvements are carried out by our occupational safety specialist and the corresponding committees with the involvement of all employees. Particular risks and opportunities are controlled and constantly pursued through our company-wide risk and opportunity management.



    • We take precautions for ergonomic and safe working and provide all employees with the appropriate protective equipment for their work.
    • Our employees receive regular, verifiable and systematic training. We expressly support the training of first aiders and/or fire protection assistants.
    • We provide the necessary people and resources to ensure and improve occupational health and safety and to maintain and promote the health, job satisfaction and performance of our employees.


    Social Responsibility



    Compliance violations are highly damaging to companies, employees and society as a whole. Individuals can thus act to the detriment of many. We rely on your help in preventing and combating illegal behavior. Your tips can uncover misconduct at an early stage and prevent further damage from occurring.


    Social engagement

    Social responsibility and social commitment are of great importance to Telegärtner. This is because we are of the opinion that doing good connects people. That is why we, together with our employees, are involved in various social projects. It is important to us that we can help where help is needed at both a global and local level.


    Matching Gifts

    Doubling of employee donations

    We are proud that our employees also want to do something good on a personal level. This is why we support them and double their donations using company money. For example, over the course of the past football World Cup, employees requested that an internal Telegärtner betting game be set up. 75% of the stakes went to the children’s and youth hospice Regenbogenland. Here, too, the donation was doubled by the Telegärtner donation fund.

    Regional Involvement

    Support for institutions in the region

    Telegärtner is actively involved in regional projects and specifically supports kindergarten projects in Steinenbronn to promote early childhood education. The institutions have been given financial support e.g. to purchase an explorer’s room and motor skills-focused play areas.

    WWF project

    "Stop the plastic flood"

    The topic of sustainability plays an important role for us and the protection of nature is very dear to our hearts. Telegärtner therefore wants to contribute to the fight against marine pollution and supports the WWF project “Stop the plastic flood”.


    The Telegärtner wish tree

    Particularly at Christmas, Telegärtner wants to think about those who are not able to fulfil their dreams when they want to.

    This is why we’ll once again be putting up a wish tree at our company headquarters this year. In this way, our staff and management team will be able to put a smile on the faces of 100 children and teenagers from disadvantaged families by making their deepest wishes come true.